What’s the average Maine Coon lifespan?

What’s the average Maine Coon lifespan? Nicknamed “gentle giants,” Maine Coons are friendly and affectionate kitties. Maine Coon Lifespan is about 12.5 years, but most experts agree that they can live much longer. Even though your companionship cannot last forever, proper care, an active lifestyle, and a balanced diet can significantly influence your Maine Coon Lifespan.  Untamed presents Maine […]


Story about the best CFA Maine Coon breeders near me in USA. My wife Celine and I bought our first Maine Coon many years ago. Even though we also rescued, bottle fed and decided to keep forever nearly 20 stray kittens over the years, we fell in love with the majestic Maine Coon when we first saw one, and we swore we’d never again be without one.